Friday, January 22, 2010

Scholastic Book Orders

I have started the new year with a new program through Scholastic Book Company. Each month I will send home a book catalog that will have a wide assortment of educational resources and books for you to order from ranging in price from $1.00-$5.00. If you are interested in purchasing items from the catalog then follow these simple steps:
1. - turn in order form on the back of the catalog with the items checked that you are ordering by the due date

2. - send in a check payable to Scholastic Book Company for the total amount due for items you are ordering by the due date

3. - I will place the order through Scholastic Book Company and send your order home with your child once the order has arrived in a couple of weeks.

By following these simple steps you will not only help your child grow educationally but you will be helping Mrs. Amber's Daycare earn points to use for FREE curriculum resources and books for our story times!

Please let me know if you have any questions. The first catalog will be sent home on Jan. 22!!!!

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